Ugly Hollywood was up to their antics again today when thirty House Democrats attempted to storm the Department of Education’s headquarters, only to be stopped by a security guard who probably didn’t sign up for this level of political drama. Leading the charge was the queen of Ugly Hollywood, Representative Maxine Waters, whose love of theatrics is only rivaled only by her ignorance of basic civics.
The ridiculous display today is just another example of the completely derranged and misplaced priorities of the left, who continue to defend and preserve a federal bureaucracy that has consistently underperformed. Despite the U.S. spending an average of $15,500 per student—ranking among the highest in developed nations—our students continue to lag behind in critical subjects such as math, reading, and science. The go-to Democratic strategy of throwing money at a problem without any thought or strategy constantly fails, and only promotes corruption.
The recent actions by these Democrats, attempting to force their way into a federal building without proper authorization, highlights their commitment to maintaining a corrupt bureaucracy rather than addressing the problems of our educatinal system. The Democrats care more about preserving federal power than genuinely improving student outcomes.
It’s time to consider dismantling the Department of Education and returning control to states and local communities. By doing so, we can eliminate unnecessary federal oversight and empower those who understand and care about their students’ needs. Redirecting funds directly to states would promote school choice, foster innovation, and hold educational institutions accountable.
The theatrics displayed by House Democrats serve as a distraction from the real issue: a federal department that consumes vast amounts of our tax dollars and delivers pathetic results. For the sake of our children and the future of our nation, it’s imperative to get rid of all things that are not working, starting with the incompetent and ineffective Department of Education.
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